ss - PPH's Online Sunday School

PPH's Online Sunday School

Gather your family in the living room and join us for a Sunday school lesson. Kids will enjoy a fun song, a Bible lesson from God’s Word, and engaging activities related to the lesson. Downloadable resources are provided below for a full Sunday school experience.

During the COVID-19 crisis, the Pentecostal Publishing House is committed to providing a weekly online Sunday school to aid churches and families in ministering to their children. By supporting this ministry effort, you aid in bringing quality Apostolic teaching into homes around the world.


Downloadable Resources


Click the appropriate link below to view previous sessions of PPH’s Online Sunday School.

Week One: It Is Written

Week Two: Follow Me

Week Three: I Will Pray Like Jesus

Week Four: Jesus Died on the Cross for My Sins

Week Five: I Will Build My Life on What Jesus Taught

Week Six: I Will Receive God's Word

Week Seven: I Will Praise Jesus

Week Eight - I Will Remember What Jesus Did For Me

Week Nine - I Will Watch and Pray

Week Ten - I Will Have New Life

Week Eleven - I Will Follow Jesus

Week Twelve - I Believe God Takes Care of Me